You are reading the documentation for the in-development version of Streamlink.


All streams inherit from the Stream base class.


Bases: object

This is a base class that should be inherited when implementing different stream types. Should only be created by plugins.


session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance


Attempts to open a connection to the stream. Returns a file-like object that can be used to read the stream data.


StreamError -- on failure

Return type:


class, *substreams, **options)

Bases: Stream, Generic[TSubstreams]

Muxes multiple streams into one output stream.

  • session (streamlink.Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • substreams (TSubstreams) -- Video and/or audio streams

  • options -- Additional keyword arguments passed to ffmpegmux.FFMPEGMuxer. Subtitle streams need to be set via the subtitles keyword.

class, url, buffered=True, **kwargs)

Bases: Stream

An HTTP stream using the requests library.

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • url (str) -- The URL of the HTTP stream

  • buffered (bool) -- Wrap stream output in an additional reader-thread

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to requests.Session.request()

args: dict

A dict of keyword arguments passed to requests.Session.request(), such as method, headers, cookies, etc.

property url: str

The URL to the stream, prepared by requests with parameters read from args.

class, url, url_master=None, multivariant=None, force_restart=False, start_offset=0, duration=None, **kwargs)

Bases: HTTPStream

Implementation of the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol.

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • url (str) -- The URL of the HLS playlist

  • url_master (str | None) -- The URL of the HLS playlist's multivariant playlist (deprecated)

  • multivariant (M3U8 | None) -- The parsed multivariant playlist

  • force_restart (bool) -- Start from the beginning after reaching the playlist's end

  • start_offset (float) -- Number of seconds to be skipped from the beginning

  • duration (float | None) -- Number of seconds until ending the stream

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to requests.Session.request()

classmethod parse_variant_playlist(session, url, name_key='name', name_prefix='', check_streams=False, force_restart=False, name_fmt=None, start_offset=0, duration=None, **kwargs)

Parse a variant playlist and return its streams.

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • url (str) -- The URL of the variant playlist

  • name_key (str) -- Prefer to use this key as stream name, valid keys are: name, pixels, bitrate

  • name_prefix (str) -- Add this prefix to the stream names

  • check_streams (bool) -- Only allow streams that are accessible

  • force_restart (bool) -- Start at the first segment even for a live stream

  • name_fmt (str | None) -- A format string for the name, allowed format keys are: name, pixels, bitrate

  • start_offset (float) -- Number of seconds to be skipped from the beginning

  • duration (float | None) -- Number of second until ending the stream

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to HLSStream, MuxedHLSStream, or requests.Session.request()

Return type:

dict[str, HLSStream | MuxedHLSStream]

property url_master


class, video, audio, hlsstream=None, url_master=None, multivariant=None, force_restart=False, ffmpeg_options=None, **kwargs)

Bases: MuxedStream[HLSStream]

Muxes multiple HLS video and audio streams into one output stream.

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • video (str) -- Video stream URL

  • audio (str | list[str]) -- Audio stream URL or list of URLs

  • hlsstream (type[HLSStream] | None) -- The HLSStream class of each sub-stream

  • url_master (str | None) -- The URL of the HLS playlist's multivariant playlist (deprecated)

  • multivariant (M3U8 | None) -- The parsed multivariant playlist

  • force_restart (bool) -- Start from the beginning after reaching the playlist's end

  • ffmpeg_options (Mapping[str, Any] | None) -- Additional keyword arguments passed to ffmpegmux.FFMPEGMuxer

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to HLSStream

property url_master


class, mpd, video_representation=None, audio_representation=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Stream

Implementation of the "Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP" protocol (MPEG-DASH)

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • mpd (MPD) -- Parsed MPD manifest

  • video_representation (Representation | None) -- Video representation

  • audio_representation (Representation | None) -- Audio representation

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to requests.Session.request()

classmethod parse_manifest(session, url_or_manifest, period=0, with_video_only=False, with_audio_only=False, **kwargs)

Parse a DASH manifest file and return its streams.

  • session (Streamlink) -- Streamlink session instance

  • url_or_manifest (str) -- URL of the manifest file or an XML manifest string

  • period (int) -- Which MPD period to use (index number) for finding representations

  • with_video_only (bool) -- Also return video-only streams, otherwise only return muxed streams

  • with_audio_only (bool) -- Also return audio-only streams, otherwise only return muxed streams

  • kwargs -- Additional keyword arguments passed to requests.Session.request()

Return type:

dict[str, DASHStream]